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'A Parasitic Purging'

"Once you live in nature, exposed to natural elements, the number of parasites which will reside in the body will be greatly enhanced. Some parasites could be dangerous to life or cause damage to the system, but most others do not.


They subsist on you and they also contribute something, so the body does not fight them too much. The affair goes on without you knowing about it. But over a period of time, as their numbers increase, they have to be cleaned up. So these systems were mainly designed for a complete, thorough cleanup.


In India, we have various methods - not always with hallucinogenic substances, but there are also concoctions with hallucinogenic things - where it is a complete purging. In India, we do not believe in bringing it back up. We want to pump it down.

There are systems with which if you drink water, after two hours just pure water will come out - to that extent, your entire alimentary canal is thoroughly cleaned up. This is something that was regularly done to all of us when we were growing up.


Once a month, everyone had to go through total purging. Without that, they never believed there was going to be health.


This was one way of handling any kind of parasite that may grow. Not all parasites are in the form of worms, tapeworms, roundworms or whatever. There are micro parasites that you cannot see, but they exist. The maximum number of parasites normally resides in your digestive tract.

Blood parasites and cellular parasites are there, but there is a way to impact them. These are all relatives. The parasites need an ecosystem of their own. If you completely remove the parasite presence in your digestive tract, the other parasites generally cannot subsist. Except a few, the others cannot subsist because they need an ecosystem of their own kind. To destroy that ecosystem periodically was a part of the tribal life; otherwise people would slowly get sick or dull and die early. All these things used to happen. Along with that, there is also a cleansing of the emotional and psychological backlog that is building up within the human being. But once you use outside chemicals or substances to do these things, in some way you will get addicted to it. In some way you will become limited to that process."


From Wikipedia -

Parasitism is a close relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or inside another organism, the host, causing it some harm, influencing behaviour and is adapted structurally to this way of life. Parasites include single-celled protozoans such as the agents of malariasleeping sickness, and amoebic dysentery; animals such as hookwormslicemosquitoes, and vampire batsfungi such as honey fungus and the agents of ringworm; and plants such as mistletoedodder, and the broomrapes.

There are six major parasitic strategies of exploitation of animal hosts, namely parasitic castration, directly transmitted parasitism (by contact), trophically-transmitted parasitism (by being eaten), vector-transmitted parasitism, parasitoidism, and micropredation. One major axis of classification concerns invasiveness: an endoparasite lives inside the host's body.



Definitions from Oxford Languages · 



  1. (in Arabian and Muslim mythology) an intelligent spirit of lower rank than the angels, able to appear in human and animal forms and to possess humans.

    "the rebellious jinn lead men astray"

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DR Lee Merritt in the video above, provides useful information however she recommends pharma products.

φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ pharmakeia

I FIRMLY FEEL that all that we need to assist us in exiting this matrix, regaining our true nature, full breadth of consciousness & realising our intended potential has been provided to us by Mother Nature. If nature cant fix it, then fasting to initiate apoptosis assisted by cloves is something I also do regularly which has been fantastic for my physical wellbeing.... 'natures nuke!' 

What is the harm with incorporating natural herbs into our diet like our ancestors did?

It's not like we are taking an experimental therapy with no short, medium or long term data...


From Wikipedia,

Jinn (disambiguation), Djinn (disambiguation) and Genie.


Jinn (ghoul) gathering for combat in a Persian literature Shahnameh, featuring their characteristic hoofs

Grouping Mythical creature

Folklore Islamic mythology

Jinn (Arabic: جن‎, jinn) –

Also romanized as djinn or anglicized as genies (with the broader meaning of spirit or demon, depending on sources) – are invisible creatures in early pre-Islamic Arabian religious systems and later in Islamic mythology and theology. Like humans, they are accountable for their deeds, can be either believers (Muslim) or unbelievers (kafir); depending on whether they accept God's guidance.


Since jinn are neither innately evil nor innately good, Islam acknowledged spirits from other religions and was able to adapt spirits from other religions during its expansion. Jinn are not a strictly Islamic concept; they may represent several pagan beliefs integrated into Islam. To assert a strict monotheism and the Islamic concept of Tauhid, Islam denies all affinities between the jinn and God, thus placing the jinn parallel to humans, also subject to God's judgment and afterlife. 


Your Govern'Ment loves you...

"So this begs the questions: 

Do parasites feed on sugar?

What foods feed parasites? 

The answer is a resounding yes. Parasites love sugar as their primary source of energy. They cannot survive without a steady supply. They will also steal the nutrition from our food that is meant for our body. If their energy source is removed, eventually, they won’t be able to reproduce, which is why a water fast is also an effective treatment to starve them out.

To win the war and accomplish a natural parasite cleanse, you have to create an anti-parasitic environment depleted of what gives them energy. This is easier said than done since patterns and lifestyles across the globe have evolved to include staggering amounts of sugar."

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What's all this crap then!?

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giphy uiyuo.gif

Al Ghoul

The word comes to English via Arabic:

In general usage, alcohol (from Arabic al-kukhūl الكحول = “the spirit”, “the chemical”.)

The wikipedia entry takes a pleasant jaunt into free association, worth examining:

However, this derivation is suspicious since the current Arabic name for alcohol, الكحول = ALKHWL = al???, does not derive from al-kuhul. The Qur’an in verse 37:47 uses the word الغول = ALGhWL = al-ghawl — properly meaning “spirit” (“spiritual being”) or “demon” — with the sense “the thing that gives the wine its headiness”. The word al-ghawl also originated the English word “ghoul”, and the name of the star Algol. This derivation would, of course, be consistent with the use of “spirit” or “spirit of wine” as synonymous of “alcohol” in most Western languages. (Incidentally, the etymology “alcohol” = “the devil” was used in the 1930s by the U.S. Temperance Movement for propaganda purposes.)

I am not a doctor I am just sharing what NATURAL things I tried that helped me recover from my vaccine injury over a decade ago which started off with physical with tremors, night sweats which left me bed ridden for a month. Then started the digestive problems and developed into neurological issues with brain fog, chronic fatigue/mitochondrial dysfunction, insomnia and a complete feeling of being completely 'disconnected' which left me without the ability to feel any happiness or sadness. The only thing I could feel was adrenaline. I've been to hell & back.... but I AM BACK! 


None of the solutions came from big pharma who only offered me immune system suppressants.

There was no one solution. I literally threw everything NATURAL at it and completely changed my lifestyle and mind. I did a colon & lymphatic cleanse before I did the detox.

A fruit breakfast hydrates & helps the body remove toxins.

'Stick to fruits that contain seeds where possible'.

Cantaloupe, water, gala melons etc.

Oranges, apples, berries, cucumbers...

Morning tonic

My skin has not dried out on my face or in between my fingers this winter for the first time in ages. I wondered if it is because I am getting 'primary water' through the increased fruit.

I filter my water by distilling but even that cannot compare to the filter that is the earth, a plant stem or tree trunk.

I also add Celtic Sea Salt to my water which helps draw the water into the cells

to rehydrate & excrete toxins.

Deep breathing exercises which by design use the diaphragm to massage the internal organs, lymphatic pathways & assisting detox while increasing oxygen in the blood while also alkalising it.

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Breathe Deeply

When you breathe deeply you not only work to alkalize your body directly by increasing oxygen intake, relieving stress, and cleansing your body of toxins, you also work indirectly to alkalize your body by improving digestion! Breathing deeply is one of the most effective ways to alkalize your body.

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What seeds get rid of parasites?

Eat more raw garlic, pumpkin seeds, pomegranates, beets, and carrots, all of which have been used traditionally to kill parasites. In one study, researchers found that a mixture of honey and papaya seeds cleared stools of parasites in 23 out of 30 subjects.

Oil of oregano can also help fight parasites. In a 6 week study, 600 mg of oil of oregano reduced parasites in human participants. 77% of participants were completely cured. It's also effective for giardia and as a dewormer.



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As early as 1873, there were reported medicinal uses of pau d'arco. Scientists have identified two active chemicals in pau d'arco. These chemicals are called naphthoquinones: lapachol and beta-lapachone. In lab tests, these chemicals killed some bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.

The pH Miracle Diet focuses on the importance of alkaline foods in order to restore the body's pH balance. Eating too many acid-forming foods causes several medical disorders. On the contrary, alkaline foods provide nutrition to the body according to the alkaline nature of its cells. If you follow the pH miracle diet, you will protect yourself from dangerous parasites that could destroy your health and well-being.

For example, wormwood is the main ingredient in many parasite cleansing products because it contains powerful antioxidants and other helpful compounds. A recent study in the Journal of Helminthology showed that wormwood reduced dwarf tapeworm levels in a similar way as a leading antiparasitic medication in animal studies.



Here’s a list of safe, NATURAL parasite eliminators:

Strong Anti-Parasitic Herbs & Foods:

Black Walnut Hull – Kills parasites and disrupts their life cycle.

Wormwood – Effective against various parasites, including intestinal worms.

Clove – Destroys parasite eggs and prevents reinfestation.

Pumpkin Seeds – Contain cucurbitacin, which paralyzes and expels parasites.

Neem – Antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-parasitic properties.

Oregano Oil – Powerful antimicrobial and anti-parasitic agent.

Garlic – Contains allicin, which kills parasites and boosts immunity.

Papaya Seeds – Effective against intestinal parasites; best when taken with honey.

Turmeric – Anti-inflammatory and helps kill parasites.

Ginger – Aids digestion and eliminates parasites.

Thyme – Disrupts parasite reproduction and kills larvae.

Berberine (found in Goldenseal & Barberry) – Kills parasites and balances gut bacteria.

Fermented & Gut-Supporting Foods:

Probiotics (e.g., sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, yogurt) – Helps restore gut balance.

Apple Cider Vinegar – Creates an inhospitable environment for parasites.

Parasite Binders:

Diatomaceous Earth – Helps kill parasites and remove toxins.

Activated Charcoal – Binds to toxins and parasites for elimination.

Bentonite Clay – Absorbs parasites and toxins in the gut.

Clove – Has anti-parasitic properties, especially against eggs.

Black Walnut Hull – Traditionally used to kill parasites.

Wormwood – Effective against many types of parasites.

Pumpkin Seeds – Contains compounds that paralyze and expel parasites.

Heavy Metal Binders:

Chlorella – Binds heavy metals and supports detox pathways.

Spirulina – Helps remove toxins and supports immune function.

Cilantro – Mobilizes heavy metals for elimination.

Zeolite – A mineral that traps heavy metals.

Fulvic/Humic Acid – Helps detox metals and improves mineral absorption.

Modified Citrus Pectin – Binds to heavy metals and facilitates removal.

Pectin-rich foods (apples, citrus peels) – Support gentle detoxification.

Here’s a guide on how to use these natural parasite and heavy metal binders safely and effectively:

Parasite Binders & Detox Protocol:

For parasite detox, it’s best to take binders away from food and supplements (except for probiotics, which can be taken together).


A typical parasite cleanse lasts 2–6 weeks and is often done in cycles (e.g., 2 weeks on, 1 week off).

Diatomaceous Earth – Start with ½ teaspoon in water daily and gradually increase to 1–2 teaspoons. Drink plenty of water.

Activated Charcoal – Take 500–1000 mg 1–2 hours away from meals. Not for long-term use.

Bentonite Clay – Mix 1 teaspoon in water; drink away from food and supplements.

Clove Powder or Capsules – Take 500 mg daily with food for parasite egg elimination.

Black Walnut Hull – Start with 250 mg, gradually increasing to 1000 mg daily.

Wormwood Extract or Capsules – Take 200–400 mg daily with meals. Avoid long-term use.

Pumpkin Seeds – Eat ¼–½ cup daily (raw or blended into smoothies).

📌 Best taken with anti-parasitic herbs (e.g., oregano oil, neem, or pau d’arco) for best results.

Heavy Metal Binders & Detox Protocol:

Heavy metal detoxing should be done slowly to avoid redistribution of toxins.

Always stay hydrated and support your liver & kidneys (milk thistle, dandelion tea, plenty of water).

Chlorella – Start with 500 mg daily, gradually increasing to 3–5 grams daily (take 30 minutes before meals).

Spirulina – Take 3–5 grams daily, either in capsules, powder, or smoothies.

Cilantro – Use fresh in food or take extract (5–10 drops daily) to mobilize metals.

NATURAL Zeolites – Take 1 teaspoon of liquid zeolite or 1–2 capsules daily away from food.

Fulvic/Humic Acid – Take ½ dropper of liquid or 500 mg in capsule form with water.

Modified Citrus Pectin – Take 5 grams daily for at least 4 weeks.

Pectin-Rich Foods – Eat apples, pears, citrus peels, and flaxseeds daily.

📌 When detoxing heavy metals, be sure to replenish minerals (magnesium, zinc, selenium, iodine) to prevent deficiencies.

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Keep your frequency HIGH!

🐦‍🔥 The lovers of LIES do love to TRAUMATISE. They aim to keep our frequency down so we can never RISE! 🐦‍🔥

FORGIVE to RELEASE YOURSELF from those restrictive chains⛓️⛓️‍💥....


FORGET the narcissists who revel in their silly games! 😁

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